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automatic quick bean routing machine
自动快速发豆芽机  detail>>
automatic quick bean sprouting machine
自动快速发豆芽机  detail>>
bean routing machine
豆芽机  detail>>
automatic bean routs growing machine
自控豆芽生长机  detail>>
automatic bean sprouts growing machine
自控豆芽生长机  detail>>
automatic routing
自动路由选择 自动绕径 自动选路 自动选择路由  detail>>
routing machine
打槽机 手动靠模铣床 钻板机  detail>>
quick-frozen broad bean
速冻蚕豆  detail>>
qbrt quick branch routing technology
快速分支路由选择技术  detail>>
aar automatic alternative routing
自动迂回路由  detail>>
afr automatic flexible routing
自动可变路由  detail>>
automatic alternative routing aar
自动迂回选择路由  detail>>
automatic least cost routing
最低费用路由自动安排  detail>>
automatic message routing
自动报文路由选择 自动讯息路径 自动讯息路由  detail>>
automatic message routing(amr)
自动讯息路由;自动讯息路径  detail>>
statllite telecom with automatic routing
自动转换的卫星通信  detail>>
electronic folls routing machine
电子洪水演算机  detail>>
automatic and quick-acting means
自动及快速反应设备  detail>>